What’s the difference between Launch X431 V and Launch X431 V+ ? Look at this table for general information.
Screen Size | X431 V: 8 inch |
X431 V+: 10.1 inch. One screen can display 15 data stream (Graphic and textual), three more than V, which is easy to navigate. | |
Configuration | X431 V+: based on Android 9.0 , with 8-core 1,8GHz CPU. X431 V+ is equipped with Lenovo-tablet. |
X431 V: based on Android 7.0 with 4-core 1,4GHz CPU. X431 V is equipped with Lenovo-tablet too. | |
Exterior | The same |
Battery life | Launch X431 V+ battery life is 1.49 times longer than that of X431 V, it will help the user avoid frequent charging. |
Function | Launch X431 V+: supports Guided Functions for VW,AUDI,SKODA,SEAT |
Launch X431 V: Not support guided function. | |
Vehicle Coverage | Cars only: X431 V, not compatible with heavy-duty module. |
Heavy Duty Truck: X431 V+ and HD III module (need to be purchased separately or purchase the bundle sale), and becomes a diesel-integrated diagnostic device with more powerful functions. |
Guide on how to use Launch X431 VW Audi Guided Function?
Applied X431 Tools : Launch X431 V+, Pad III, Pad V etc.
How to use Launch X431 Guided Function for Audi Steering Angel Sensor Reset?
Why Launch X431 V+ is Upgraded Version of X431 V PRO?
- Better than X431 V in hardware, functions and compatible vehicles.
- Like Launch X431 V+ powerful functions.
All-system coverage: Confirmed
30+ service functions: Confirmed
Advanced functions: Confirmed
ECU coding: Confirmed
Active Test: Confirmed
- All-system coverage.
- Diagnostic report upload & print: Confirmed
Auto VIN: Confirmed
Remote diagnosis: Confirmed
- The plastic box contains a bunch of adapters and cables.
- And VCI module is located at the left side of X431 V+ unit.
- X431 V+ is for Advanced workshop.
- 2-year free update, look, it added so many function in 2020.
- You will like its coverage: for 150+ car brands & 10000+ car makes, compatible with passenger cars and heavy duty trucks (need to buy extra HDIII adapter).
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