Question: I restored the Launch X431 PAD VII to factory setting, the X431 application was deleted. Where can I download this app on PAD VII or where can I contact the manufacturer or some technical support as soon as possible? Here is the solution: How to download Launch X431 PAD 7 App? Visit X431 official website Go to User Account tab, login with User name/CC/email and password If don’t have a x-431 account. Press Register and register with your CC/email/password After login, go to Services & Support -> Download Find X431 PAD VII app and download After download pad vii app, run an upgrade. NOTE: Need to login Launch X431 account otherwise you will not see X431 PAD7 app.
Launch X431 Pro Mini, Pro, Pros V, V+, PAD V, PAD VII Full System Diagnostic Tool User Manual, Vehicle List, Registration, Upgrade and Review